The School Association Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday the 26h of February at 6.00pm followed by a general meeting. The SA provided opportunities for parents to meet other parents as well as joining together to help make our school a great place for everyone. It would be great to see some new members! If you would like to nominate for the committee, please complete the nomination form below. The ordinary business of the Annual General meeting is:
(a) to confirm the minutes of the preceding AGM and any special general meeting held since that meeting;
(b) to receive and if approved, to ratify the Associations annual report
(c) to receive and ratify the annual School report;
(d) to receive and ratify the annual financial statement of the Association;
(e) to receive other relevant reports;
(f) to appoint an auditor and determine the auditor’s remuneration;
(g) to conduct an election of the Parent Members of the Committee, subject to rule 3.4.3 (b);
(h) to declare an end to the Association Year and the commencement of the next Association year, thus dissolving the Committee and replacing it with the newly elected one.
GOULBURN STREET PRIMARY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION INC - The DOE requires all schools to have a School Association with an approved constitution. Our Association’s constitution indicates that we must hold an annual general meeting before April 1, therefore we will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 18th March. At this meeting a new committee will be elected for 2020. The Committee consists of no less than 7 members and no more than 19 members from the following groups-parents (5-10 members), staff (1-3 members), community members (0-3 members) (all of which are elected for a 2 year term) and students (0-2 members, where appropriate and as guided by the staff). The Principal is required to be a member of the SA and is the only member who is not elected. In accordance with the Constitution, half of the committee positions fall vacant each year. The Principal is the returning officer/chairperson for the election of committee members, who once elected, vote for the Association's officers from amongst themselves.
Vacant positions: - parent members;
The Committee’s role is to:
- manage the business and affairs of the Association for the benefit of the school;
- exercise all the powers and functions as outlined in the Constitution.
Details regarding the officers' roles are also set out in the Constitution.
Note: Copies of the Constitution are available from the office.
Even though the above may give the impression that our Association is a very formal body, the meetings and activities have always been conducted in a friendly and informal way. Every effort is made to ensure that everyone is made to feel welcome. Members' participation in a great range of activities is highly valued and much appreciated, particularly since the SA major focus is always in the best interest of our school.
Please return completed form to the office before 24th of February. Thank you
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Goulburn Street Primary School Association nomination form:
for the position of :
□ Parent Member
in the GSPS School Association Committee.